In a few days, we'll send you an email with one or more previews attached. If you don't see a email with previews from us in a few days, check your spam folder and contact us to see if it took a wrong turn on the internet someplace. Look at the previews and check all spelling and then send a reply email letting us know if there is a design you like, or any changes or combinations you'd like to see. We'll make any changes requested, and send a new preview. We'll repeat this process as often as needed to insure the design meets your desires. Once we have a final design approved by you, we'll make any minor size or position adjustments needed to fit a particular natural slab, then we'll carve the sign and ship it to you, normally within 2 weeks.
Please Note: We can't carve your sign till we get an approved design, so the quicker we get through the design and approval process, the quicker your sign will be started. We often don't have time to check in to see why we haven't heard back from you about the latest designs we sent and don't want to pester you, so you'll need to stay on top of it if you're in a hurry. On the other hand, if you think we've dropped the ball someplace, feel free to drop us an email or give us a call.
Also, a big reason for the approved proof is so you can spell check your name and/or text. If we carve it differently than the approved proof, the mistake is on us, but if you approve a design with a misspelling, it's on you.